What is Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy?
Hormones created in a lab so that when they break down in the human body are identical to the sex hormones made by the gonadal organs. The human body recognizes, metabolizes, and has the same physiologic responses as those produced by the body. These hormones assist in the proper delicate balance that can improve and sustain health. Therefore, bio-identical hormones make physiologic sense.
The most well-known benefits from bio-identical hormone replacement include increased energy levels, improved mood, resolution of night sweats and hot flashes, improved libido, better memory, decreased skin wrinkles, lowered risk of osteoporosis and reduced risk of heart disease.
The ultimate, crucial goal with BHRT is restoring and maintaining balance. Hormones such as estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, thyroid, and others have numerous functions in the human body. BHRT is the balance between the hormones prescribed and the hormones you still have.
Chris’ method of hormone replacement: Individualized capsules, creams, and tablets melted in the mouth, like Progesterone and DHEA, and creams for estrogens and Testosterone. Each hormone is prescribed individually for each patient based on current symptoms and urine hormone test results.
Chris’ primary method of testing is urine hormone testing:
The following labs offer urine testing:
- Precision Analytical in Oregon. No insurance billing.
- Rhein Consulting lab in Oregon. Blue Cross preferred provider
- Meridian Valley lab in Washington State. No insurance billing.
- Genova Diagnostic lab in North Carolina or Georgia. Will work with insurance billing.